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Great new radio station!

http://www.ncbradio.co.uk/ http://www.ncbradio.co.uk/player.html NCB radio run by my mate aaron – brilliant station so give it a listen some time!

Top Gear – the new Sachsgate? What a load of b*llocks

ooooh look at captain politically correct, think he know what the whole damn world thinks of Top Gear. Idiot. Want to know what I’m ranting about? Check out this article on Top Gear and see what I have to say! http://uk.news.yahoo.com/blogs/editors_corner/top-gear-is-another-sachsgate-waiting-to-happen-p73420.html?post_error=1  Top Gear is popular all round the world. I have friends and relative all … Continue reading

The Alternative Formula One 2010 Awards

So, bored of the predicatbility of other Formula One 2010 awards? Welcome to my alternative! This is not entirely serious, more fun than anything I shall get a more serious roundup of the seaon underway in early December, because we all need something to fill the gap. The winner of each category will be in … Continue reading


2010 has been one of the greatest, if not the greatest Formula One season ever. Never has such a battle been so closely fought by such talented men, all feircely competing for the glory of all glories, the world drivers championship. Olympic medal winner, World Cup winners, Boxing champions; all examples of champions whose name … Continue reading

The Youtube video that made my day…

Anybody up for a good laugh at Fernando Alonso? Check out this video of the world fastest roller coaster at Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi…

Why the championship is in Lewis’ hands…

Four men. One coveted Formula One world title. Only one can win it, but who? Abu Dhabi is going to be an truly enthralling race. The practice sessions will become interesting for the first time ever and the whole world will be gripped from the second qualifying starts. However, the story will not be the … Continue reading

GET IN THERE!!!!!! (TVD spoilers – you have been warned)

I was eagarly anticipating the new episode of The Vampire Diaries, because we would finally find out which character was about to face the chop, and I don’t mean get circumcised. It was confiremed no too long ago that one of the characters would be gone very shortly, and they would not be returning. I myself … Continue reading

Who is going to get killed off in ‘The Vampire Diaires’? I think I may just have the answer…

WARNING! THERE MIGHT BE A FEW SPOILERS, PATICULARLY IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THE BOOKS, OR ARE ENGLISH AND HAVEN’T DOWNLOADED THE LATEST EPISODES OF ITUNES, SO BEWARE! Well, we have been hit with the news that one of the main cast is going to be killed off and is not going to be coming back. Ever. … Continue reading

Spooky Cocktails: Because Halloween isn’t Just for Kids

Its nearly that time of year…Actually, it been that time of year since vampire mania started in 2008… Anyway, its nearly halloween, and as the title suggests, it isn’t just for kids. One great way to make halloween truly fang-tastic for everyone is cocktails! So, may I present you with my guide to making some … Continue reading

Amber rocks!

I live near London now, and yesterday (02/10/2010) I decided to make the most of my money whilst I was in minimal debt to Student Finance and go and watch Eddie Jordan (BBC F1 pundit) busk with Luca for Amber. Anyway, Amber is a small charity based in London which helps young people who are going … Continue reading